Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) or the newer Fallout Mod Manager - Forked (FOMM-Forked): if there is a "check mark" shown next to "Archive Invalidation", remove it and close the mod (Spoilers!) - posted in Fallout 4 Mod Talk: Im trying to get a feel for the mods that restore your lost spouse and which are the better options. The books are primarily are from the public domain and were found using Project Gutenberg, although for future releases I'd like to add more "in universe" books. While that may be fine and dandy at first, you’ll notice it gets old pretty fast. Nexus Mods is the largest modding site and community on

3) Started doing affinity stuff, got to the quest part of it and was, like, 'Heck to the Newp!', lmao! So, instead, just made the affinity perk active when RoboPeng Bubo is the current com** IMPORTANT ** This video is out of date. ) You will now select the Gender/Race of your Companion 5. This point can be expended on an increase in the rank of a primary SPECIAL attribute, or on one of the SPECIAL perks. These companions originate from TYR's YouTube character build series in Fallout 76, its been a goal of mine to bring these characters to life as companions in Fallout 4 - and I think that has been achieved fairly well. Goto Companion Configuration - General - Set Distance in holotape. This mod turns Fallout 4 into a Silent Hill like Nigthtmare. The very first and truly custom voiced companion for Fallout 4, boasting over 1200 lines of custom made and voiced dialogue.

This mod makes you have up to 13 followers following you around like true followers. But NOT the in-game already exiting companions like Preston or Danse. Enhancing the textures of various FaGoop - Companions in Fallout New Vegas Mods: Vault 24 most famous and well-recognized mods, as Sizzler is a small child companion.