
Mass effect 2 scanning planets
Mass effect 2 scanning planets

It is, like Spock’s technobabble in Star Trek, an important part in delivering a fully realised world. To me, scanning planets is about discovery, in the most scientific sense of the word. But the Mass Effect saga is also about uncharted space, showing us that for all that humans have seen and built, there’s always more of space to be discovered.

mass effect 2 scanning planets

Humans made first contact with new species, became represented in an interplanetary council and can basically go wherever they please. The moment I step into Shephard’s boots, I have a personal history that ties me to the achievements of the human race in outer space. The Mass Effect universe is an accomplished piece of world building. I get it–the whole act of clicking on a planet, watching a transition screen, turning said planet around its axis for a while until you’ve found a mineral deposit and then listening to the same lines over and over again as your probe launches isn’t exactly a rousing experience. Most people scoff a bit when I tell them that one of my favourite things about Mass Effect 2 is scanning planets.

mass effect 2 scanning planets

We’re republishing some of our archival Mass Effect retrospectives as we look forward to Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.

Mass effect 2 scanning planets