
A walk above the clouds door puzzle
A walk above the clouds door puzzle

Stray Fairy #6.1 Pound the switch in the lava and roll to the other side of the room to press down the other switch. Once you manage to step on the switch, it’ll make a large chest appear above that you’ll be able to open in a moment. If you struggle with this, don’t be surprised, as it’s probably the hardest Stray Fairy to acquire in the entire game. By rolling in short bursts about three or four times, you should be able to make it without too much of a problem. Focus on walking in the correct direction and only hold A when you’re in straight stretches. It is best to ignore the rolling for the most part. The problem is that if you hit a wall, it’ll slow you down too much and you won’t make it. Basically, walk around the room and roll with A to increase speed. Use a Goron Pound to push it down, which removes the fire temporarily from around the floor switch on the opposite side of the room, also in the lava. Drop down to the lower portion of the room and you’ll see a large switch close to the entrance.

a walk above the clouds door puzzle

Ignore the pumps for now and put on the Goron Mask. This area is filled with lava and has several air pumps that blast upwards.

A walk above the clouds door puzzle